Saturday, December 21, 2013

I need to learn this one...

Christmas gifts are minimal this year but I have acquired something for each of my boys and their ladies. I charged a cat tower to my Amazon account and now need to find the monies to pay for that. I am working my second job and am yet to receive my first paycheck from them. It will be nice to be able to pay the bills and still afford food for me and my kitty. 

So today's lesson is to Trust in the Universe that dwells within us each.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Friday, December 13, 2013

Forgive my absense...

I have started a second job! My new job is with a big box retailer. Being only 12 days until Christmas and the other many Holy Days within this season, retail businesses are having their busiest season also. So I helped stock shelves for seven and a half hours on Wednesday and then went to my first job for four and a half hours. On Thursday I worked 7 a.m. until 6 p.m. at Goodwill. Today I only work at the retailer from 8 a.m. until 11 a.m. That will have me off the next two and a half days. My body will be pleased for the rest. The muscles of my legs and right arm are sore from the new work load.

With the Holy Day Season upon us, I am hoping that you have a Happy and Merry Season with however you celebrate. I have no plans for the Season, as of yet, other than to make the best of the hours of work that I may be able to accumulate to afford for me and my kitty to be happy.

Happy Holy Season to you and yours!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Once you learn to do this...

It will be rare that you judge someone by their looks.

When I am in public I have my heart radar on. I have my force field of White Light that surrounds me. This White Light is my Heart reaching out in both kindness and protection. When I come across a kind spirit I am able to welcome them in, but if I come across an unkind or hatred spirit I am able to give kindness without letting them in too close. This takes practice and faith that your God is protecting you. It will be easiest when you are feeling your best, so try to take good care to be at your best and happiest as much as possible. I believe part of my break down 2 years ago was due to not having my force field at it best when working with the public. So do your best to stay strong and happy. Happiness repels negative spirits.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Do you still hear your parent's voices?

It is rare that I hear their voice and that is a good thing, because they seldom had anything good to say to any of us. I am one of six children. Now that I am older it is easier to understand how their mental illnesses played a large role in their lack of parenting abilities. I believe that once I understood their hardships it was easy to forgive their shortcomings. Therefore, turn off their negative voices in my head. Forgiving them helped me tremendously. 

Friday, November 22, 2013

Flow is my goal...

While I occasionally have made goals, like finding a second job, my life goal is simply to exist with the flow of life as it blossoms. Dancing with the waves of life as they slide toward me is the way that I remain peaceful and content.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Where does your energy go?

I am sure many of you have heard this before. It is simple, what you think about most is where your energy goes. Do you think of joyful things or do you worry about everything? Does your energy go to build others up or break them down? I do my best to stay in a happy mood, sometimes by singing or humming a silly song. Zippity do da, is one of my favourites. It is an early Disney song. You can find it on YouTube. Any song or memory that makes you smile is a great place to focus your attention on when the day gets tough. Remember, if you dwell in low places your energy will be low, so focus on high energy, joyful, lighthearted things. Namaste

Friday, November 15, 2013

Creative Attire Encouraged...

RuthAnn Hirt

 We are all creative in some way. Your way could be in caring for your family, maintaining your health or in artistic expression. Whether as a poet, a painter, musician, or dancer, we all have the right and obligation to ourselves to celebrate that creativity. When we allow ourselves to stifle that energy we are committing a slow suicide. I realize better than I care to admit that there are times in our lives when we must suppress this creativity in order to survive. Yet it is still there, yearning to get out, yearning to be birthed in order to give the parent new life. Do not deny yourself the right to celebrate your creativity. If at all possible, reach deep inside yourself, find your media - canvas, guitar, paper, cloth, the spoken word...

Find your media!
Dive In!

To the freedom creativity can celebrate!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Trying to wake up...

Today is a COFFEE morning
This is just sweet...

I think I'll get another cup...

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Colors of Autumn...

My November is seeing many changes, mostly in the weather. We have gone from beautiful, colourful leaves to our first snow fall. Soon we will be bare of leaves and full of snow. Such is life, many seasons for many reasons...

Have you ever thought about your life as in seasons?


The winters of life
       can happen in any season
The winters of life
       happen for many reasons
The winters of life
       seem gray and cold
The winters of life
       stir the faith untold
The winters of life
       will come and go
The winters of life
       when old dies away
             so we may be new...