Tuesday, December 13, 2016

A bit better

A friend reminded me to not sweat the small stuff and it is all small stuff. My biggest problem is that I keep everyone at arm's length while I truly want to love and trust. Nearly every person who was to love and protect me actually misused, abused, and messed with my head. So how do I trust again?


  1. I hope I am not included in that "nearly every person". You should know how I feel.

    1. No My Dear Friend, you are one that I have kept at arm's length. The other list starts back with my parents, then continues with other adults that should have nurtured me in my youth rather than steal my innocents. Then, with my judgment tainted, the men I chose to trust to love and care for me in marriage. I realize that the early damage inflicted upon me made me a difficult wife, but that does not excuse abuse.

  2. I know I am at arms length away but your arms are not that very long and I will never let you go in my life you are a special person and never forget that
