Friday, January 20, 2012

Healing Journeys...

For those of you who do not know, my last post was monumental because back in September I went into an episode of agoraphobia, that kept me housebound, except for doctor's visits, for almost 3 months. Over the last month I have been able to go to more and more public places, many of those times I was alone. I actually prefer to do many things alone because then I do not have to think of another person when I am ready to leave somewhere. There are other times when having a person with me has helped me stay focused on our conversation and not be over sensitive to those around me.

During my episode I had to relinquish my job because no one could say when I would be able to work again. My job had been at our public library, the busiest in our area, bringing in over 1,000 people a day. As many as 2,000 had been recorded on our busiest days. This brought me under much pressure to always be happy and kind. The kind part I did well, however the happy was difficult at times. I do realize I put much of the pressure on myself. We tend to do that when we are good at something and feel unappreciated. Many of my co-workers felt the same causing too much complaining. I am a person who believes that if you keep damning something it only gets worse and that was all many of them did, damn their own existence with bickering and complaints. That also weighed heavy on me.

So now I am home working on the computer, hoping to inspire you to live your lives more fully. Learning more about social networking and making a wonderful collection of inspiring quotes and photos. It is inspiring to me to have many friends around the world that are willing to share their day to day struggles. With the Internet I am able to connect with people I would otherwise never known existed  Sharing my wisdom to persevere has helped me to go forward rather than stay stuck in my episode. Therefore I thank you all for listening and receiving, allowing the healing to continue on It's journey through all of us. Namaste

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