Monday, September 30, 2013

Good Travels...

Sunday had started out rough with a sinus headache which just afternoon gave way to some antiquing fun. Ron took me to Oberlin and Avon for a road trip through antique stores. I enjoy looking at all the old stuff even when I can't buy much. The unfortunate part of it, being a sensitive, is that many items carry the energy of their past lives. Some is positive and some negative energy. Going through the stores I had to continually surround myself with good energy. Part of an attic in one store even gave me a distinct heaviness in my chest. Once we moved out of that area I was fine.

I had limited myself to $30 for goodies and I spent it. My first find was a wonderful set of oriental prints for just $10 plus tax, of course.

My next find was a glass black cat. She is an old Avon bottle. She was $5, which Ron bought for me.

My favorite is this little furry kitten that made me giggle out loud.

And finally a Moon hook.

We ended our shopping with world market, at which I purchased some ceiling hooks and licorice. When all was done we went to Panera for dinner. It was a quiet ride home as we were both tired, yet very satisfied with a pleasant afternoon.

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