Sunday, September 22, 2013

I am back...

The move has gone well. I am comfy in my 3 large rooms plus bathroom. It is an 100+ year old house turned into apartments. While not all the electricity is up to date, it is adequate for my simple needs. I just have to watch that I don't turn on too many appliances at once, or I will have to go into the basement to reset the breakers. I am still in need of a love-seat. The couch that I had brought with me could not fit into the door off the hallway. The stairwell, just outside my door, is situated in such a manner that it is difficult to angle something as big as a couch into it. So the couch was given to a friend's niece, who also was moving that week. The only other casualty was a small drawer from my antique dresser. I will be taking that to a fellow at work who is said to fix just about anything wood. All my friends have been wonderful helping to get things moved and feeding me now and then. So if you live near by and you would like company for dinner, I am the gal to call or email. 

Ron (my husband) and I are getting along well. He is working on what he needs and I am working on me. I feel so much stronger when I am alone, no one else to blame for my short comings or lack of discipline. So I am able to become stronger instead of using someone else as an excuse to be lazy. Life is good, and I intend to live it fully.

Oh, yeah. I also have a new used car. Like I said, "Life is good!"

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