Saturday, November 30, 2013

Do you still hear your parent's voices?

It is rare that I hear their voice and that is a good thing, because they seldom had anything good to say to any of us. I am one of six children. Now that I am older it is easier to understand how their mental illnesses played a large role in their lack of parenting abilities. I believe that once I understood their hardships it was easy to forgive their shortcomings. Therefore, turn off their negative voices in my head. Forgiving them helped me tremendously. 

Friday, November 22, 2013

Flow is my goal...

While I occasionally have made goals, like finding a second job, my life goal is simply to exist with the flow of life as it blossoms. Dancing with the waves of life as they slide toward me is the way that I remain peaceful and content.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Where does your energy go?

I am sure many of you have heard this before. It is simple, what you think about most is where your energy goes. Do you think of joyful things or do you worry about everything? Does your energy go to build others up or break them down? I do my best to stay in a happy mood, sometimes by singing or humming a silly song. Zippity do da, is one of my favourites. It is an early Disney song. You can find it on YouTube. Any song or memory that makes you smile is a great place to focus your attention on when the day gets tough. Remember, if you dwell in low places your energy will be low, so focus on high energy, joyful, lighthearted things. Namaste

Friday, November 15, 2013

Creative Attire Encouraged...

RuthAnn Hirt

 We are all creative in some way. Your way could be in caring for your family, maintaining your health or in artistic expression. Whether as a poet, a painter, musician, or dancer, we all have the right and obligation to ourselves to celebrate that creativity. When we allow ourselves to stifle that energy we are committing a slow suicide. I realize better than I care to admit that there are times in our lives when we must suppress this creativity in order to survive. Yet it is still there, yearning to get out, yearning to be birthed in order to give the parent new life. Do not deny yourself the right to celebrate your creativity. If at all possible, reach deep inside yourself, find your media - canvas, guitar, paper, cloth, the spoken word...

Find your media!
Dive In!

To the freedom creativity can celebrate!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Trying to wake up...

Today is a COFFEE morning
This is just sweet...

I think I'll get another cup...

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Colors of Autumn...

My November is seeing many changes, mostly in the weather. We have gone from beautiful, colourful leaves to our first snow fall. Soon we will be bare of leaves and full of snow. Such is life, many seasons for many reasons...

Have you ever thought about your life as in seasons?


The winters of life
       can happen in any season
The winters of life
       happen for many reasons
The winters of life
       seem gray and cold
The winters of life
       stir the faith untold
The winters of life
       will come and go
The winters of life
       when old dies away
             so we may be new...

Monday, November 11, 2013

Feelin' Good...

This is me, as I waited for my taxi to go out on Saturday evening. I went by myself, I have always liked going out by myself and making new friends. I sat with a couple on their first date. As comfortable as they seemed I would have thought they had known each other a long time. They welcomed me into their conversation and we shared a few drinks. I was home by 11 p.m. I am told that is when all the fun starts, but not for this gal. I am usually awake at 5 a.m. and I still slept in until 8 a.m. Life is good, you just have to look at it that way. Even when it seems a little crappy, focus on the good. Namaste

Saturday, November 9, 2013


A single leaf cascades

through autumn air




as it reaches it destiny.

A lone drum beats


in the frozen valley


those who dare to hear.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Autumn comes...

Looking at this picture, I think of how Summer is gone and we are headed into winter. Autumn has always been a rough time of year for me. Well, I shouldn't say always. When I was still in school I enjoyed the start of a new year of learning. However, now, as I have lived many years beyond school, I find it difficult to accept the cooler, shorter days. Days that had been filled with warmth and sunshine are now grey, damp, and becoming cold. I have a therapy lamp to help my mornings and caffeine to help me throughout the day. It is much nicer not needing those things but God made everything for a reason. I believe that part of the reason I become sadden by this time of year now, is that I relate it to my sons going back to school and seeing less of them. Now they are grown men, on their own, with their own struggles and victories.

As my days begin and end in darkness, I leave you with much Light, Love, and Laughter. Blessings to all.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


When am I happiest?

I will have to say I am happiest when I am helping other or giving them a reason to smile. As I sit, trying to figure this out, happiness and joy are two different things. Happiness, I believe is a state of mind. While, joy is a momentary feeling you receive because of an action. It brings me joy to help others that can result in happiness throughout the day. It brings me joy to play with my kitten.

Rather than give you many examples of what brings me joy. I will leave you with the Happiness you have chosen to have today. Namaste

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Happiness is a conscience discussion many days. In fact many mornings I need to "think" myself happy in order to not stay in bed. Like this morning, I  would rather still be asleep, but I already slept 9 hours. So, either I am fighting depression or other ailment, but the key is, I am up and busy. So the victory goes to me and that helps me be happy. So stay happy, even if you have to talk yourself into it.

Monday, November 4, 2013


A done something is better than a perfect nothing.

A journal was never meant to be empty, it was created to help you, let it.

~Rossi Fox; 365 Journal Writing Ideas

Whatever you Appreciate and give thanks for will increase in your life.
~Sanaya Roman

Quick on the road prompts:

How are you feeling?

What do you need to do?

What is not sitting well with you?

If only...

I am loving...

Tell me about today/yesterday.

End of the week review:

What did you do this week?

What went well?

What did you learn?

What are your goals and intentions for next week?

I give all credit to Rossi Fox for the preceding information.