Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Daily Homework for Healing

Read these statements every day, until they actually become part of your thinking.
Do NOT memorize them. "Think straight, and you will feel great!"

1. I am a unique and precious human being, always doing the best I can, always growing in wisdom and in love.

2. I am in charge of my own life.

3. My number one responsibility is for my own growth and well-being. The more loving I am to myself, the freer I will be to love others.

4. I can choose healthy attitudes and opinions. The attitudes or opinions of others are their choice.

5. I make my own decisions and assume the responsibility for any mistakes I make. I learn and grow from my mistakes!

6. I am a person in my own right. My behavior may be appropriate or sometimes inappropriate, but that does not make me either a good or a bad person.

7. I am free to choose my attitudes about the things that happen to me. My degree of personal well-being depends upon my attitudes. Suffering is in inevitable; misery is optional.

8. I am capable of expressing myself honestly and effectively each day.

9. I am free of animosity or resentment.

10. My emotional well-being is dependent primarily on how I love myself, as well as my ability to accept love and affection from others.

11. I am kind and gentle towards myself.

12. I deserve to be treated with consideration and respect.

13. I live one day at a time, and I do first things first.

14. I am patient and serene for I have the rest of my life to continue growing.

15. Every experience I have in life-including those I don't like - contribute to my learning and my growth.

16. I am as important as any other person in the world - not more so, but not less either.

17. It is human to make mistakes. Mistakes prove only that I am imperfect - and it is OK to be human and imperfect.

Author Unknown

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