Friday, April 27, 2012

What a difference a day makes...

I have awoken in a most cheerful mood today. Since I last wrote on Wednesday I have put my anxious energy to good use. Wednesday morning I went and helped a friend do some housework. Then I came home to have lunch with my husband. In the afternoon I went to the local resale stores to find clothes that fit me. I have gone from a size 10/12 to a size 18/20 in less than a year. I am grateful that I do not feel as crazy as I did however the result of medication coupled with lack of activity has taken it's toll. Once home with my new clothing, I started trying on everything in my closet. Near 5 pm I stopped in order to have dinner with my husband. He would be leaving for an awards ceremony for his youngest daughter shortly after dinner. As soon as my husband had left I went to bed. I was exhausted from both the upheaval of emotion and a full day of business. Sleeping approximately ten hours I was slow waking up and a bit depressed. I did minimal physical work in the morning, writing mostly as you can see I added a page here on the blog. My friend and I had a lunch date, so the plan was to meet at the restaurant up the block. My plan was to go early and write while holding a table for us. When his lunch time changed I called my husband to join me and joked with the gals working there about having two lunch dates. So I stayed there three hours, first having lunch with my husband then with my buddy. Well, I only ate once. The third hour consisted of thirty minutes before and after their arrivals. Then after that I came home java'd up. I think I drank about a pot of coffee in that three hours. I cleaned one of the living room chairs with the lint brushes to remove cat hair. Feeling good of that accomplishment I went into try on the remainder of my clothes. There is now a stack of boxes and bags ready to be given to charity. For the first time that I can remember all my hangup clothes fit into one closet. It feels very good to have accomplished all that in two days.

Today's plan is to deliver the clothes, talk with the bank, and shop for a bathing suit for our upcoming trip. By the way, I am not totally displeased with how I look. Firming my tummy would be nice. I still have my hourglass shape, it just now has two hours in it. lol

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