Friday, October 19, 2012

Therapy Talk...

Susan (my therapist) suggested how important it is to do things that are meaningful. Well as you all know, I lost sight of this blog. Also, I had not done much crocheting nor helping others. About the only thing I did do was to become preoccupied with sex, which my husband enjoyed. However, we spoke of how we can fill our time with things that keep us from working on ourselves. This gives us a distraction from working on our painful truths that need to be examined in order to set them free. Yep, that is me, give me a mind numbing game and I can sit for hours to avoid life. There is also the way I text messages to friends throughout the day, in hopes of a conversation to keep me busy.

So, all in all, I have been avoiding myself by avoiding blogging. It is time to get back.

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