Thursday, October 27, 2011

loss for words

I feel a loss of words today. Allow me to see if I may spark them. Kindle them into living, breathing, passionate words of recovery and celebration.

The mental anguish in which I do struggle with is not as powerful as my will to share with the world my journey from neglect, abuse, drug and alcohol missuse, and  a number of other ways I used to distract me from my pain into a relationship of unconditional love.

I have found some words in response to a post on facebook:

I would rather LOVE like I have never been hurt. HOPE like I know God gives me all the desires of my heart. TRUST that the Universe conspires only for our higher good. Blessings because the pain will pass, yet the memory of LOVE will remain.
~RuthAnn Brooker (c) 10272011

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