Good Morning, or afternoon, or what ever time it may be for you. My first appointment with my new therapist went well. She is professional, educated, well spoken, and friendly. Her name is Susan, she said she doesn't mind me using her name, which is nice. It is always easier to write when you are not trying to use fillers instead of the name.
I am a little blurry this morning, because I chose to take a sedative last night. It was and emotional day, also Ron interrupted me when I was attempting to talk about my son Noah and his father, defending the father, when that was not the issue. My feelings were the issue and he stopped me in my tracks so I shut down and went to bed...
Back to Susan, now that I got that off my chest. She adheres to the application of Dialectic Behavioral Therapy. Here is a good link to an explanation of it: . I am still learning about it myself. From our talk yesterday, I do feel hopeful. I gave her "my life in a nutshell" version of my story. Not in order, simply because it didn't come out that way.
My mind keeps wandering... chat more later.
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