Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Full of it...

Good morning, it is not as sleepy of a morning as yesterday. I am enjoying a cup of coffee as I write. When Doc asked me if I was depressed I really didn't think I was, yet this morning as I start my day I am not caring if I shower or not. I am wearing the same shirt I slept in the past four nights along with the shorts I have worn off and on for the past five days. I have changed undergarments but nothing else. When did I shower last?? That would have been four days ago. I did a quick sink bath since then. I think that classifies me more than just tired, I think I am struggling with depression again. That is not surprising since I have indulged in alcohol. It is a depressant. I did make myself do up most of the kitchen yesterday. My cat is meowing to play and I have so little energy for him. I also have not had a good bowel movement in a couple days. That's it! That is all that is wrong with me! I am full of crap! ha ha Wish it was just that simple...

20 minutes later... I have gotten rid of some of the crap!

My younger son asked me to call him this morning. No explanation, just "call me when you get up" in a text. and now he is not answering his phone. He can be a heavy sleeper so I am thinking he is just not hearing it. but since I have no idea where he may have slept last night I can only hope that he is alright. I will continue to call him every few minutes until he answers or I have to go to my therapy appointment. Deep breath... trust that all is as it needs to be... breathe... Happy thoughts, Happy thoughts!! I am trying to stay positive.

Another 20 minutes later.... I have showered!

The honesty of telling you how long it had been made me realize I needed to.

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