Thursday, May 31, 2012


Well, I have had a half a pot of coffee so far this morning. Been playing the mind numbing games on facebook while I wake up. The dishwasher is now empty and new dirty dishes put in. I still have a mass of hand washables on the counter. I am terrible about washing dishes. Maybe if I owned fewer I would be more compelled to wash them. Who knows??

Yesterday on facebook a gal I follow,
posted a question about being stranded on a desert island. I assumed there was plenty of fresh water, food and shelter as she asked what 3 material possessions would help keep your spirits up until rescued. My first reactions are what I put down; unlimited paper and pens, and a picture of my cats. I find it interesting that I did not say a picture of my family, husband, or sons. Right now and for a long time, I have only felt that my cats would have the hardest time without me. I am not quite sure what that says about my self-worth... That I should be grateful the Universe gave me cats when It did! That is all I have to say about that...

Well I did the kitchen all up and then my husband came home for lunch... Endless job... I had to bleach the cutting boards. Now I have the apartment to myself. Still jazzed up from all the coffee. So what are we going to do? I would like to ponder deep and meaningful thoughts, if I had any. I will go retrieve a couple from my facebook friends. I'll be back.

OK, what can we say about this statement? Do you agree? I do. I have had to handle so many unwanted traumatic situations that I am unsure who I am. I feel now that I am my husband's wife, not me. It is hard to believe that I will ever find me within marriage. I recall when I was living alone, how I decorated, what I wore day to day, who I hung out with. That has all changed, and not for the better. Even when I was working full time, I didn't hangout with friends. It was work and marriage. Very seldom did I see or spend time with girlfriends. I have a guy friend that I hang with often, however, we see Spiritually on totally different levels and I think that is what I am missing in my life. I need to speed less time on facebook and more time in meditation. That is what I could do for myself right now. That would mean less coffee also, as it would be near impossible to meditate right now. Spending time with Spirit will do me well.


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