Friday, July 27, 2012

Another adjustment

My psyche doctor stopped one medication that he does not like to use that my old doctor put me on. He also added Abilify. While this is supposed to help with motivation and energy, I find myself in need of naps throughout the day. I guess that makes sense, if you think of the fact that I have not been motivated to much of anything physical for about 10 months, it only stands to reason that I would need naps as my body gets back in shape. I have gotten in such a habit of having coffee in the morning and with Abilify I am drinking less. This in only my second day of the higher dose. He started me on it about a month ago. The part I don't like is that it is harder to sit still and think. Therefor I have been having trouble posting. Maybe if I try in the evening rather than morning, yet that depends on whether my husband has the television on. I can always ask him to move to the other room while I post. I'll figure it out. In the mean time I ask that you are patient with me and my posts.

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