Thursday, July 19, 2012

Day 4 of Assessments...

I was having a most difficult time thinking about going in for the assessment today. When all of a sudden I realized it was because I just couldn't go back on the reception desk. So after realizing this was causing me to actually feel ill, I call my instructor and indicated I would not be able to do the reception area. He seemed a little surprised, yet understanding. I also stated that I would let my case worker know of this dilemma. I felt so much better knowing I didn't have to do the desk and was just going to finish up my MicroSoft Office tests. As I prepared to leave, like ready to walk out the door, Mark called back an stated that we only needed one more day to finish up and that if I wished I could take today off and finish up tomorrow. So that is the plan. I am home for the day!!

Noah also called and will be going to a ''clean house''. That is a half way house for recovering addicts to get a footing in the real world while not having peer pressure to use. He is in another city, which I believe will do him well. My heart is with him as he battles this demon. He is a good man, he deserves to be and do well.

Have a Blessed Day!

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