Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Day 14 of 15 Days of Thankfulness

Day 14 - 3 things that make you laugh that you are thankful for.

1) Many of my facebook Friends, I love the silly, heartwarming posts that have helped me through numerous dark, lonely days. Even if it is a 'shake my head' and chuckle kind of laughter it all lightens my Spirit.

2) Abigail and Leopold, my cats, at least most of the time. Being a parent, whether to pets or children has it moments of frustration. They are truly a source of joy.

3) The television show "Big Bang Theory" is a source of laughter on a regular basis. It has many truths to it, yet exaggerates those truths to cause laughter and at times heartwarming , if not ridiculous situations. I guess that is why they call it a 'situation comedy.'

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