Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A friend asked about "My Truth" post

Question)  I like this one. Since it was written so long ago, can I ask how it pertains to your life right now? I know that some threats are beginning to dissipate now, and I can tell that you are rebuilding your Self to be even more grounded than before. Are you gaining a new sense of Truth? That you are worth so much more than a "romp"? I truly hope so, my friend.

Answer)  It is good to reflect where we have come from. Not to dwell, but to examine how we have grown. I have not only grown, I went back for a time to that place of non-worth. To a place that my only value was what I meant to someone else. So today as I read "My Truth" I see the powerful woman that has once again lost her way. Trying hard to fit into someone else's agenda. Feeling unworthy of Self to express Self. Tell me what it is that you see of me in this writing. Is it merely the sexual creature or the Self proclaimed woman of honor? Or better yet, ask yourSelf, that if an abused, tortured Spirit like RuthAnn Hirt can regain Self and rejoyce in life again why can't I? Only you know that answer and I am not saying it is easy or that you won't stumble from time to time. Finding Self, Self Truth, is so worth all the crap others may put you through for "hurting them" by not doing what they want. They don't matter if it is at the cost of your Self. Namaste

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your beautiful thoughts. I am so glad you see the powerful woman in your writings. I am so glad your Strength is shining ever more brightly. Namaste.
