Friday, November 11, 2011

Day 2 of 15 days of thankfulness

Day 2 - 3 Veterans that I know and am thankful for.

Kurt R. Carico, he is my oldest son. The only thing he ever spoke of growing up was becoming a soldier. Well, he became a Marine. He stayed his four years in a nondeployable unit doing work on the home front. I still refer to him as my Marine because, once a Marine always a Marine.

There are so many it is difficult to choose one without thinking of the others. My father, my uncles, former lovers, a former husband, friends, young and old alike that were willing to sign that paper that saying, "I give my life into service of my country, for my family, friends, and strangers, possibly onto the death."

I appreciate the veterans that continue their service here at home, whether in uniform or by encouraging young men and women to service here and around the globe. The veteran social clubs like Amvets, Am. Legion, VFW and so on, are good sources for like minded persons to continue giving to there communities thru a variety of ways.

Thank you, to all the Men and Women that have chosen to service in order to keep our people free.

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