Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 5 of 15 Days of Thankfulness

Three animals, past or present, that you are thankful for:

One of the few constance in childhood was pets with that said I will focus on pets in my adult years.

Clyde was a pure black cat I acquired when married to my first husband. He was the joy of my life being the runt of the litter I was astonished when he became this lovely full sized creature that loved to hunt. I attempted to keep him indoors, had him neutered not declawed. He would bring me prizes from the field behind our home. Once a small rabbit that broke my heart and left much blood on my porch. He brought me joy and adventure for many years.

Abigail and Leopold are my current cat kids.

Abigail 5 mths and Leopold 3 mths
Abigail was rescued by me from abandonment. I found her mewing away in a crawl space under the house we rented. The mewing started and I gave it at least a half hour hoping Mom was relocating them and had not made it back yet for this one. So walking around back I came upon the little bugger and she came right to my voice. Only being about a week old I was unsure if we could handle her. We did handle her, 3 weeks was spent with a nursing mama cat and her kittens from then on she has been ours.

A few months later I was expressing to my husband that Abigail needed a playmate. He, having never had an cat or any pet, was unsure. I encouraged him to check to see what the vet had for adoption when he takes Abby in for her shots. He sent me 3 pics on the phone. There was no contest, our little man was picked. Ron picked him out and named him. Abigail was cautious at first then played and groomed him like a true sister.

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